Should it be set at the AppBarLayout sibling's parent or at the first Scrollable View inside its sibling?
With Material Design for Android, there are Views that let us work with the behavior of the layout depending on its surroundings, one of them is the CoordinatorLayout, as this CodePath guide mentions:
CoordinatorLayout extends the ability to accomplish many of the Google's Material Design scrolling effects. Currently, there are several ways provided in this framework that allow it to work without needing to write your own custom animation code.
The one I'm interested in now is:
- Expanding or contracting the Toolbar or header space to make room for the main content.
So, we would use the AppBarLayout with a Toolbar with app:layout_scrollFlags
set and another ViewGroup sibling to the AppBarLayout with app:layout_behavior
My question is: in what exact ViewGroup (or maybe View) should we put that
So far, I've tried with (And they have all worked, and they are all siblings to the AppBarLayout):
Scrolling View
First ViewGroup inside a Scrollable View
ScrollView inside a ViewGroup
And this one didn't work:
- ViewGroup with no Scrollable View children.
There are multiple examples online, but none of them really state where should you put it, like:
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