There is a list of PHP clients on the RabbitMQ site. I'm asking this question in hopes that people who have used any of these can share their experiences here. E.g.
- Did you have any trouble installing?
- Is it stable?
- Were there any performance issues?
- How is the documentation / support?
Even if you've just used one of these libraries, please share your experiences.
For reference, here are some of the clients listed:
- PHP manual page for AMQP
- php-amqp - a client developed and used by StudiVZ, originally based on RabbitMQ-C
- php-amqplib a port of py-amqplib
- php-amqplib a fork of php-amqplib updated to support PHP 5.3
- PECL release of the AMQP client
P.S. I know that "Best ..." is "subjective", but the point of this question is to collect experiences and help people make an informed decision about these AMQP libraries. Please don't knee-jerk close this question just because it has the word "best" in it.
P.P.S. I'm using PHP 5.3 on RHEL 5.
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