I'm trying to access an image file in the assets folder from the native side. Now I can successfully search through the assets folder and its subdirectories locating the particular file that I am looking for:
AAssetDir* assetDir = AAssetManager_openDir(asset_manager, "images");
const char* filename;
while ((filename = AAssetDir_getNextFileName(assetDir)) != NULL)
__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "Debug", filename);
I am also using OSG. I set the image as a texture to my shader with the following code:
But that file name must include the absolute path as well since it is not located in the same directory. However I found out that I cannot get the absolute path for the assets directory, being that it is compressed along with the APK.
Being that I can't access the absolute path, what other way could I use to get the image? Also to note, I do want to keep the files in the asset folder as appose to the sd card.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13317387/how-to-get-file-in-assets-from-android-ndk