Currently in my Terminal, every shell prompt looks like ComputerName: FooDir UserName$
. The UserName
part simply wastes too much space out of my precious 80 columns. Is there a way to suppress it?
Currently in my Terminal, every shell prompt looks like ComputerName: FooDir UserName$
. The UserName
part simply wastes too much space out of my precious 80 columns. Is there a way to suppress it?
The prompt is defined by the environment variable PS1
which you can define in .bash_profile
To edit it, open or create the (hidden) file .bash_profile
nano .bash_profile
and add a line that says
export PS1=""
Between the quotation marks, you can insert what you would like as your terminal prompt. You can also use variables there:
– date
– timeh
– hostname#
– command numberu
– usernameW
– current directory (e.g.: Desktop)w
– current directory path (e.g.: /Users/Admin/Desktop)The default prompt for common Linux distributions would be w $
, which evaluates to ~ $
in your home directory or e.g. /Users $
somewhere else. There are also website (like this one) that can help you with building your prompt.
If you want to remove the UserName
part, your choice would be h: w$
Once you made your changes, save the file with Control+o, Return, Control+x.