Apple has no calendar control, and many developers are lost in how to build one.
A good cocoapod that is well documented is this one. It was developed by myself. If you need help setting up things, I can provide that. Full tutorials to get you started located here.
If however, you want to know how it was built inside out so that you can build one yourself, then you can check out this link. It shows you in detail how it was built using a UICollectionView. Since you said you are new to programming, the first option is easier in my honest opinion for now.
But you're a coder, and at some point you should learn. So I suggest learning swift/objective-c until you become comfortable with it. Start out with simple projects like creating a table view etc. Learn how delegation works etc.
Once you are better at views, delegation, etc, then you will be more comfortable to create you own calendar control.