I trying to perform following calculation
Sample data:
rno int identity(1,1),
ccp varchar(50),
[col1] INT,
[col2] INT,
[col3] INT,
col4 as [col2]/100.0
VALUES ('ccp1',15,10,1100),
| rno | ccp | col1 | col2 | col3 | col4 |
| 1 | ccp1 | 15 | 10 | 1100 | 0.100000 |
| 2 | ccp1 | 20 | 10 | 1210 | 0.100000 |
| 3 | ccp1 | 30 | 10 | 1331 | 0.100000 |
| 4 | ccp2 | 10 | 15 | 900 | 0.150000 |
| 5 | ccp2 | 15 | 15 | 1000 | 0.150000 |
| 6 | ccp2 | 20 | 15 | 1010 | 0.150000 |
Note : It is not just 3
records each ccp can have N
no.of records
Expected Result :
1083.500000 --1100 - (15 * (1+0.100000))
1169.850000 --1210 - ((20 * (1+0.100000)) + (15 * (1+0.100000)* (1+0.100000)) )
1253.835000 --1331 - ((30 * (1+0.100000)) + (20 * (1+0.100000)* (1+0.100000)) + (15 * (1+0.100000)* (1+0.100000) *(1+0.100000)) )
888.500000 --900 - (10 * (1+0.150000))
969.525000 --1000 - ((15 * (1+0.150000)) + (10 * (1+0.150000)* (1+0.150000)) )
951.953750 --1010 - ((20 * (1+0.150000)) + (15 * (1+0.150000)* (1+0.150000)) + (10 * (1+0.150000)* (1+0.150000) *(1+0.150000)) )
I know we can do this using Recursive CTE, it is not efficient since i have to do this for more than 5 million records.
I am looking to implement something like this set based approach
For ccp : ccp1
SELECT col3 - ( col1 * ( 1 + col4 ) )
FROM #Table1
WHERE rno = 1
col3 - ( ( col1 * Power(( 1 + col4 ), 1) ) + ( Lag(col1, 1)
ORDER BY rno ) * Power(( 1 + col4 ), 2) ) )
FROM #Table1
WHERE rno IN ( 1, 2 )
col3 - ( ( col1 * Power(( 1 + col4 ), 1) ) + ( Lag(col1, 1)
ORDER BY rno ) * Power(( 1 + col4 ), 2) ) + ( Lag(col1, 2)
ORDER BY rno ) * Power(( 1 + col4 ), 3) ) )
FROM #Table1
WHERE rno IN ( 1, 2, 3 )
Is there a way to calculate in single query?
Update :
Still am open to suggestions. I strongly beleive there should be some to do this using SUM () Over(Order by)
window aggregate function.