I'm trying to launch container using docker-compose services.But unfortunetly, container exited whith code 0. Containers is build thanks to a repository which is from a .tar.gz archive. This archive is a Centos VM.
I want to create 6 container from the same archive. Instead of typing 6 times docker command, I would like to create a docker-compose.yml file where i can summarize their command and tag.
I have started to write docker-compose.yml file just for create one container.
Here is my docker-compose.yml :
version: '2'
image: compose:test.1
container_name: cubop1
command: mkdir /root/essai/
tty: true
Do not pay attention to the command as I have just to specify one.
So my question is, why the container is exiting ? Is there a another solution to build these container at the same time ?
Thanks for your responses.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44884719/exited-with-code-0-docker