I want to check if a value belongs to a list in django template. Something like this
{% if value in ['Pass','Fail'] %}
How can I achieve this?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7481750/check-for-presence-in-a-list-django-templateI want to check if a value belongs to a list in django template. Something like this
{% if value in ['Pass','Fail'] %}
How can I achieve this?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7481750/check-for-presence-in-a-list-django-templateI don't think that you can define a list directly in the template. You could pass a list to the template and do
{% if value in my_list %}
For example:
{% if name in 'foo,bar' %}
{% endif %}
Alternatively, you could write a template tag which takes parameters like this:
{% ifinlist value "val1,val2,val3" %}