I am working with Excel using Python and have couple of questions:
- Loading Excel Sheet into 2d Array.
In VBA I'd simply do:
dim arrData as Variant
arrData = shtData.Range("A1:E2500")
I would get array(1 to 2500, 1 to 5), which i can easily access for example arrData(1,5) -> row 1 column 5
In Python what i managed to do is:
#declare list
#loop to load excel spreadsheet data into 2d Array
#basically I am looping through every row and append it to list
for row in shtData.iter_rows(min_row=5, max_row=50,values_only =True):
Is there a way to assign row to list, starting from index 1 not 0?
In VBA there is an option Option Base 1.
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/option-base-statementIs it the fastest way to operate on Excel Dataset?
I am planning then to loop through let's say 2500 rows and 5 columns -> 12'500 cells.
With VBA it was very efficient to be honest (operating on array in memory).As I understand, functionsof OpenPyXL:
#only creates REFERENCE TO EXCEL WORKBOOK - it does not open it? or is it "loaded" into memory but what is on the HD is actually intact?
shtData = wkb.worksheets[0]
#again only reference?
shtReport = wkb.create_sheet(title="ReportTable")
#it adds sheet but it adds it in excel which is loaded into memory, only after saving, Excel on HD is actually overwritten?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65649467/python-and-excel-openpyxl