I'm trying to dynamically create a sqlite insert string with node. I have:
function update_json_obj_into_table(tablename, obj, search_condition) {
const insertValues = Object.entries(obj).reduce((acc, [k,v]) => acc.push(`${k} = ${v}`), []);
const insertValuesString = Array.prototype.join.call(insertValues, '/');
console.log(`UPDATE ${tablename} SET ${insertValues} WHERE ${search_condition}`);
// db.run(`UPDATE ${tablename} SET ${insertValuesString} WHERE search_condition ;`);
When I run it :
const obj = {Code: 'A1'};
update_json_obj_into_table('mytable', obj, 'search_condition')
I get:
UPDATE mytable SET 1 WHERE search_condition.
Obviously the insertValues is not working correctly. I was expecting:
Code = 1
but its coming out as '1' . What am I doing wrong?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65649395/reduce-with-obj-key-value-not-working-as-expected