I'm fairly new to C# and would wonder how you'd go about adding an overdraft to this simple bank menu I've assembled. I'd like to add the current menu if possible.
I assume I'd have ot make a new method to withdraw from 'overDraft' once 'myBalance' had been depleted, which should in theory just be a simple 'else' but I'm not too sure.
Thanks in advance.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace MyBankAccount
class BankAccount
static void DisplayBankBal(double myBal)
Console.WriteLine("Your current bank balance is: £" + myBal);
static double Deposit(double myBal)
Console.WriteLine("How much would you like to deposit?");
double newDepo = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
double newBal = myBal + newDepo;
return (newBal);
static double Withdraw(double myBal)
Console.WriteLine("How much would you like to withdraw?");
double newDepo = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
double newBal = myBal - newDepo;
return (newBal);
public class BankMenu
static void Main(string[] args)
double myBalance = 466.55;
int MenuOpt = 0;
string customerName = "User #21";
string accountNumber = "123456";
double OverDraft = 50.00;
//Console Options
Console.WriteLine("Hello, " + customerName + "Account number: " + accountNumber);
Console.WriteLine("1. View Balance");
Console.WriteLine("2. Make a Deposit");
Console.WriteLine("3. Withdraw Money");
Console.WriteLine("4. View Overdraft");
Console.WriteLine("5. Exit Program");
//Menu function here
MenuOpt = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
if (MenuOpt == 1)
else if (MenuOpt == 2)
double newBal = Deposit(myBalance);
Console.WriteLine("Your new balance is " + newBal);
myBalance = newBal;
else if (MenuOpt == 3)
double newBal = Withdraw(myBalance);
Console.WriteLine("Your new balance is " + newBal);
myBalance = newBal;
else if (MenuOpt == 4)
Console.WriteLine("Your remaining overdraft is " + OverDraft);
else Console.WriteLine("Invalid Option");
} while (MenuOpt != 5);
// Console.WriteLine("Your new balance is £" + newBal); //Return new
Press any key to continue");
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65649175/c-sharp-overdraft-addition