withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'kubeconfigfile', variable: 'KUBECONFIG' )])
sh 'TEMPFILE=$(mktemp -p "${PWD}" kubeconfig.XXXXX)'
sh 'echo "${TEMPFILE}"'
I'm new to creating pipelines and am trying to covert a freestyle job over to a pipeline. I'm trying to create a temp file for a kubeconfig file within the container. I've tried everyway I could think of to access the vars for the shell and not a groovy var.
even trying the below prints nothing on echo:
sh 'TEMPFILE="foo"'
sh 'echo ${TEMPFILE}'
I've tried escaping and using double quotes as well as single and triple quote blocks.
How do you access the shell vars from within the container block/how do you make a temp file and echo it back out within that container block?
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