I recently added a settings pane to my app, and tried to connect it to core data to let the users mange their api and url settings.
But unfortunately when I launch my app and open the settings pane I alway get a bunch of errors telling me that core data is not connected correctly or something like that. - error messages below
This is my App.swift file where I added the settings pane.
struct RandomAppName: App {
let persistenceController = PersistenceController.shared
@State private var filter = 1
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
.environment(.managedObjectContext, persistenceController.container.viewContext)
.commands { // some command features }
#if os(macOS)
Settings {
.environment(.managedObjectContext, persistenceController.container.viewContext)
The settings pane itself contains a tabview with serval subviews.
Here some code snippets.
import SwiftUI
struct SettingsPane: View {
@Environment(.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext
@State private var id : Int = 3
var body: some View {
// some content stuff //
if id == 1 || id == 0 { ApiView().environment(.managedObjectContext, PersistenceController.preview.container.viewContext) }
// some content stuff //
And some of the actual Api settings view
import SwiftUI
struct ApiView: View {
sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: APIMaster.timestamp, ascending: true)],
animation: .default)
private var content: FetchedResults<APIMaster>
var body: some View {
// some content stuff //
ForEach(content, id: .self) { content in
Image(systemName: "xserve")
// some content stuff //
} }
struct ApiView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
ApiView().environment(.managedObjectContext, PersistenceController.preview.container.viewContext)
everything had been working fine until I implemented the core data part.
I already tested the ForEach loop with the core data connection in the app view and there it works perfectly fine.
The error message is:
2021-01-09 21:28:11.348566+0100 RandomAppName[71835:2714021] [error] warning: Multiple NSEntityDescriptions claim the NSManagedObject subclass 'APIMaster' so +entity is unable to disambiguate.
CoreData: warning: Multiple NSEntityDescriptions claim the NSManagedObject subclass 'APIMaster' so +entity is unable to disambiguate.
2021-01-09 21:28:11.348698+0100 RandomAppName[71835:2714021] [error] warning: 'APIMaster' (0x600003128000) from NSManagedObjectModel (0x600002530230) claims 'APIMaster'.
CoreData: warning: 'APIMaster' (0x600003128000) from NSManagedObjectModel (0x600002530230) claims 'APIMaster'.
I hope somebody can help me with this specific problem.
Here is what the settings pane looks like. (I also tried the "main" entity)