Can someone tell me if it is possible to reset the drawing of the piechart?
I created a button to draw the chart with the value inputs from the user, but the problem is: If the user input new numbers and press the button again, the chart doesn't update for the new values.
Can someone tell me how to do that?
My code: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Start method when the button is pressed-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Button calcular = findViewById(;
calcular.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
switch (v.getId()){
Then, the method:
public void calculartabela(){
String ganhos1 = ganhos.getText().toString().trim();
String gastos1 = gastos.getText().toString().trim();
piechart = findViewById(;
Double ganhos = Double.parseDouble(ganhos1);
Double gastos = Double.parseDouble(gastos1);
Double restante = ganhos - gastos;
//apos calculo
String ganhos2 = ganhos.toString();
String gastos2 = gastos.toString();
String restante2 = restante.toString();
String[] months = {"Ganhos", "Gastos", "Economizado"};
Double[] earnings = {ganhos, gastos, restante};
Pie pie = AnyChart.pie();
List<DataEntry> dataEntries = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0;
i < months.length;
i++) {
dataEntries.add(new ValueDataEntry(months[i], earnings[i]));
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