I have a column Name
of string data type. I want to get all the values except the last one and put it in a new column FName
, which I could achieve
df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['John A Sether', 'Robert D Junior', 'Jonny S Rab'],
'Age':[32, 34, 36]})
df['FName'] = df['Name'].str.split(' ').str[0:-1]
Name Age FName
0 John A Sether 32 [John, A]
1 Robert D Junior 34 [Robert, D]
2 Jonny S Rab 36 [Jonny, S]
But the new column FName
looks like a list, which I don't want. I want it to be like: John A
I tried convert the list to string, but it does not seems to be right. Any suggestion ?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65643135/get-string-instead-of-list-in-pandas-dataframe