I want to read the cookies in scala.html.
In the play version 2.5 it worked like this: @ session.get ("name")
I am currently using version 2.8 and so far I have the following:
return ok (index.render ("ok"))
.as (Http.MimeTypes.HTML)
.withCookies (Http.Cookie.builder ("loginAs", email)
.withMaxAge (Duration.ofSeconds (3600))
.build ());
@import play.api.mvc.Results.Continue.session
@import play.api.mvc.Cookie
@ (title: String) (content: Html) (implicit request: Http.Request) (implicit session: play.api.mvc.Session)
Cannot find any HTTP Request Header here (@session.get("loginAs"))
I've tried a lot with HTTP Request, but it doesn't work.
Maybe someone can help me.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65602851/play-framwork-2-8-session