I'm new to the OpenStack project. I want to customize the Horizon project, to give it my own theme with some logos, colors, etc. I've followed the tutorials in the Horizon docs and everything works as expected. But that's my actual question: is a good practice to change settings among other things when Horizon and OpenStack components are already deployed?
I've tried to make a fork out of the repository of OpenStack/Horizon and start to develop and customize from there, but if I follow the instructions of the tutorial for Contributors the command "tox -e runserver" deletes all files from static folder, where I have my own custom css (I understand the use of tox as a virtual envirtoments and collecstatic of Django).
So, that's my real question: is a good practices TO DO CHANGES when Horizon is already deploy? Is there a better way? If there's a better way, what should I change (I'm lost in the project structure)?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65602782/good-practices-on-customizing-horizon-of-openstack