I have this script that ranks trailer status by date and the Statusing_Facility_CD responsible for statusing the trailer. I have successfully ranked them in order - now I am attempting to get the datediff(hh) between status times. The kicker is that I only want the datediff of the status times when there are sequential Statusing_Facility_CDs. For example: This result shows 9 statuses
Equipment_Unit_NB Equipment_Status_System_TS Equipment_Status_Type_CD Statusing_Facility_CD Ranking
10941 2020-12-11 22:13:43.8260000 ENR 402 1
10941 2020-12-11 09:01:31.5350000 AVL 402 2
10941 2020-12-11 01:29:43.1120000 ENR 455 3
10941 2020-12-11 01:13:57.1300000 AVL 455 4
10941 2020-12-11 00:05:01.0000000 AVL 462 5
10941 2020-12-11 00:03:55.2930000 AVL 431 6
10941 2020-12-11 00:03:49.9480000 ENR 455 7
10941 2020-12-10 00:10:58.2090000 AVL 455 8
10941 2020-12-09 15:57:58.1800000 ENR 402 9
Notice rank 1 and rank 2 have the same Statusing_Facility_CD - so I would want to see the datediff(hh) between those two Equipment_Status_System_TS's. Now see rank 2 and 3, they're not the same Statusing_Facility_CD so I do not want to see the datediff(hh) between those two statuses. The end result goal here is to get the average time (hh) for each Statusing_Facility_CD between each status change. The expected result for rank 1 and rank 2 would be:
Statusing_Facility_CD Equipment_Status_Type_CD Hrs2Status
402 AVL - ENR 13
What modifications do I need to make to the code below in order to get the desired result?
@start DATE
, @end DATE;
SET @start = '2020-12-07';
SET @end = '2020-12-11';
SELECT --[Standard_Carrier_Alpha_CD]
, CAST([Equipment_Status_System_TS] AS VARCHAR) AS Equipment_Status_System_TS
, [Equipment_Status_Type_CD]
, [Statusing_Facility_CD]
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CONCAT([Standard_Carrier_Alpha_CD],'',[Equipment_Unit_NB]) ORDER BY Equipment_Status_System_TS DESC) Ranking
dbo.DILKOPS.[Equipment_Status] with (nolock)
LEFT JOIN dbo.DILKOPS.[Facility] F
ON [Statusing_Facility_CD] = f.Facility_CD
CAST(Equipment_Status_System_TS AS DATE) BETWEEN @start AND @end
AND Standard_Carrier_Alpha_CD = 'RDWY'
AND Equipment_Unit_NB = '10941'
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65602129/datediff-in-hours