If you want to make sure only certain people can execute the command, do the following:
@commands.has_permissions(your_permission=True) # I'll give a list of permissions down below
Or, alternatively, you can make people with only a certain role can execute a command, do the following:
@commands.has_role('YOUR ROLE HERE') # This will allow only people with the given role to execute the command
Or you can do this, if you want people with a range of roles to be able to execute the command:
@commands.has_any_role('Role1', 'Role2', 'Role3') # Anyone with any one or more of these roles can execute the command. You can have more than 3 roles stated, or less. If you only have one stated, then it may be better to use the way above
As stated above, I would provide a list of permissions here. These are a few:
@commands.has_permissions(manage_messages=True, kick_members=True, ban_members=True)
Permissions are usually just the permissions that you may give a role, but an underscore replacing the spaces between the words.