Here is my dataframe:
df = pd.DataFrame({"Date":["2020-01-27","2020-02-27","2020-03-27","2020-04-27", "2020-05-27", "2020-06-27", "2020-07-27",
"2020-01-27","2020-02-27","2020-03-27","2020-04-27", "2020-05-27", "2020-06-27", "2020-07-27"],
"A_item":[2, 8, 0, 1, 8, 10, 4, 7, 2, 15, 5, 12, 10, 7],
"B_item":[1, 7, 10, 6, 5, 9, 2, 5, 6, 1, 2, 6, 15, 8],
"C_item":[9, 2, 9, 3, 9, 18, 7, 2, 8, 1, 2, 8, 1, 3],
"Channel_type":["Chanel_1", "Chanel_1", "Chanel_1", "Chanel_1", "Chanel_1", "Chanel_1", "Chanel_1",
"Chanel_2", "Chanel_2", "Chanel_2", "Chanel_2", "Chanel_2", "Chanel_2", "Chanel_2"]
I want to plot a group Bar chart with the dropdown filter on the Channel_type col. That's what I am trying:
trace2 = go.Bar(x=df["Date"], y=df[["B_item"]])
trace3 = go.Bar(x=df["Date"], y=df[["C_item"]])
list_updatemenus = [{'label': 'All',
'method': 'update',
'args': [{'visible': [True, True]}, {'title': 'All'}]},
{'label': 'Chanel_1',
'method': 'update',
'args': [{'visible': [True, False]}, {'title': 'Chanel_1'}]},
{'label': 'Chanel_2',
'method': 'update',
'args': [{'visible': [False, True]}, {'title': 'Chanel_2'}]}]
data = [trace1,trace2,trace3]
layout=go.Layout(title='Distribution of Sales by Region',updatemenus=list([dict(buttons= list_updatemenus)]),width=1000,height=800,barmode='group')
fig = go.Figure(data,layout)
And not getting the desired output:Plot 1
As it filters the graph by the "A_item", "B_item" and "C_item" while I would like to filter it by the Channel_type col as mentioned.
So the ideal result would be the below graph, but with the dropdown menu that changes the graph based on Channel_type :
I am able to solve the problem with Ipywidgets in the Jupyter notebook, but it’s not really working for my particular task. Here is the code:
from plotly import graph_objs as go
import ipywidgets as w
from IPython.display import display
x = 'Date'
y1 = 'A_item'
y2 = 'B_item'
y3 = 'C_item'
trace1 = {
'x': df[x],
'y': df[y1],
'type': 'bar',
'x': df[x],
'y': df[y2],
'type': 'bar',
trace3 = {
'x': df[x],
'y': df[y3],
'type': 'bar',
data = [trace1, trace2, trace3]
# Create layout for the plot
width=1200, height=700, title_x=0.5,
zeroline= False,
title='My Y-axis',
zeroline= False
fig = go.FigureWidget(data=data, layout=layout)
def update_fig(change):
aux_df = df[df.Channel_type.isin(change['new'])]
with fig.batch_update():
for trace, column in zip(, [y1, y2, y3]):
trace.x = aux_df[x]
trace.y = aux_df[column]
drop = w.Dropdown(options=[
('All', ['Chanel_1', 'Chanel_2']),
('Chanel_1', ['Chanel_1']),
('Chanel_2', ['Chanel_2']),
drop.observe(update_fig, names='value')
display(w.VBox([drop, fig]))
And here is the output:
The problem is that I am not able to wrap the VBox into an HTML file and save the dropdown menu. Also, it isn’t working in the Python shell as it is intended for the Jupyter notebook, and I need to share it.
So the ideal result would be to wrap the last figure within the Plotly fig only without the ipywidgets.
Any help be really appreciated!
Thank you!
question from: