So I am doing an Android TV app which is basically a main screen full of Tv Series and movies like any other traditional video streaming app.
For that what I did was to simple use RowsSupportFragment
with multiple rows and multiple presenters as I have to change the UI
per row. For example: first row is the Billboards
row, second one the continue watching list
and then all the common rows with plain images
For this particular Billboards
row I need to mimic the old carousel behaviour in this two points:
- I need to center all the items in the middle of the screen, the only big problem here are the first and last item as it looks more on the edges of the screen. I need to find a way to center those items in the middle.
- I need to loop all the row in a way like if I am at the last item if I pressed the DPAD Right it needs to go back to the first element and if I am in the first item and press the DPAD Left i have to go to the last item but like an infinite scroll.
Not sure if it is doable to do it using the Leanback library in Android TV as I am really lost with this. I was able to get the gridView per row doing this:
private fun getBillboardGridView(): HorizontalGridView? {
val billboardRowPosition = 0
val billboardContainer = verticalGridView?.get(billboardRowPosition )
return ((billboardContainer as? ViewGroup)?.get(1) as? ListRowView)?.gridView
and do something like:
private fun someTest(): HorizontalGridView? {
But not able to do anything with this HorizontalGridView
EDIT: For Point 1 I was able to achieve it by using:
gridView?.windowAlignment = BaseGridView.WINDOW_ALIGN_NO_EDGE
gridView?.windowAlignmentOffsetPercent = 25f
Thanks in advance for your help
question from: