Razorpay callbacks is not working in fragment instead of activity using fragment please give a solution If anyone aware thanks in advance.
private fun startPayment() {
val activity: Activity = requireActivity()
val co = Checkout()
try {
val options = JSONObject()
options.put("name", "Vendor")
options.put("description", " for Order")
//You can omit the image option to fetch the image from dashboard
options.put("image", "https://rzp-mobile.s3.amazonaws.com/images/rzp.png")
options.put("currency", "INR")
val payment: String = "1"//getcart?.CartTotal.toString()
// amount is in paise so please multiple it by 100
//Payment failed Invalid amount (should be passed in integer paise. Minimum value is 100 paise, i.e. ? 1)
var total = payment.toDouble()
total = total * 100
options.put("amount", total)
val preFill = JSONObject()
preFill.put("email", "hell@gmail.com")
preFill.put("contact", "9898989898")
options.put("prefill", preFill)
co.open(requireActivity(), options)
} catch (e: Exception) {
Toast.makeText(activity, "Error in payment: " + e.message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
override fun onPaymentSuccess(s: String?) {
Log.i(TAG, "onPaymentSuccess: $s")
override fun onPaymentError(i: Int, s: String?) {
Log.e(TAG, "error code "+i.toString()+" -- Payment failed "+s.toString())
try {
toast("Payment error please try again")
} catch (e : Exception) {
Log.e("OnPaymentError", "Exception in onPaymentError", e);
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65713987/razorpay-callbacks-in-android-fragment-is-not-working