Question: Does elasticsearch phrase suggester allow to filter on a particular index when querying on multi index ?
Explanation: I am querying on 2 indices in elasticsearch, which works fine. The issue is when I want to run query correction using phrase suggestor in elasticsearch. Since the fields in both the indices are different, I get the error.
GET index1,index2/_search
"suggest": {
"text": "any user query",
"simple_phrase": {
"phrase": {
"field": "passages.text"
Here passages is a nested field in index1. The error I get on querying is:
question from:"failures" : [ { "shard" : 0, "index" : "index2", "node" : "-xZE_fW8QGq0LLSLU7IGCw", "reason" : { "type" : "illegal_argument_exception", "reason" : "no mapping found for field [passages.text]" } } ] }