I have an old list of products that store the descriptions in an array at index [0]. The model is set up as a string. So my plan is to extract that value and add it to a temporary field. Step 2 would be to take that value and copy it to the original field. This is the 'wrong' product I want to fix.
{_id : 1 , pDescription : ['great product']},
{_id : 2 , pDescription : ['another product']}
All I want to is to change the array to a string like this:
{_id : 1 , pDescription : 'great product'},
{_id : 2 , pDescription : 'another product'}
I have tried this to create the temporary description:
$match: {
pDescription: {
$type: "array"
$set: {
pDescTemp: {
$first: "$pDescription"
]).exec((err, r) => {
// do stuff here
The command works fine without the $first
The error reads: MongoError: Unrecognized expression '$first'
Any tips on how to fix this are appreciated! Thanks!
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65947153/copy-first-array-value-to-another-field-in-mongodb