I am trying to scrape the following website for a project: https://www.tunefind.com/show/chicago-fire/season-1/12210 The last step is to scrape the links to the spotify songs mentioned on a page. Normally I look into the source code and it is clear from there. However, in this case not. Looking into the source around the spotify button I cannot find a hyperlink directing me to the song. Probably done on purpose, to prevent scraping? (Oops)
Is there a way to get the hyperlink from the button? I am aware of an 'internet' interface in Python which clicks on the buttons, but I would rather not use this, as this will affect the load time tremendiously.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65946145/how-to-scrape-a-hidden-hyperlink-from-a-button-with-python