the system did go into the script but not displaying the chart. I'm not sure why. Because for other graphs I've been using the same method with this one. but other graphs are displayed well on the same page. Just this graph is not displaying. Also, I had tried using canvas and so on but still not working. would like someone to help me within, please?
this is the html code :
<div class="col-md-6" style="padding:10px;background-color:greenyellow;height:500px;">
<div id="containeraqi" style="height:250px;"></div>
anychart.onDocumentReady(function () {
var data = [
{ x: 'Food is tasteless', value: 65 },
{ x: 'Wait time', value: 109 },
{ x: 'Unfriendly staff', value: 12.5 },
{ x: 'Not clean', value: 45 },
{ x: 'Overpriced', value: 250 },
{ x: 'To noisy', value: 27 },
{ x: 'Food not fresh', value: 35 },
{ x: 'Small portions', value: 170 },
{ x: 'Not atmosphere', value: 35 },
{ x: 'Food is to salty', value: 35 }
// create pareto chart with data
var chart = anychart.pareto(data);
// set chart title text settings
chart.title('Graf Berdasarkan AQI, Bilangan Pokok dan Tahun');
// set measure y axis title
chart.yAxis(0).title('Defect frequency');
// cumulative percentage y axis title
chart.yAxis(1).title('Cumulative Percentage');
// turn on chart animation
// create horizontal line marker
.stroke('#A5B3B3', 1, '5 2', 'round'); // sets stroke
// get pareto column series and set settings
var column = chart.getSeriesAt(0);
column.tooltip().format('Value: {%Value}');
// get pareto line series and set settings
var line = chart.getSeriesAt(1);
.format('Cumulative Frequency: {%CF}%
Relative Frequency: {%RF}%');
// turn on the crosshair and set settings
// set container id for the chart
// initiate chart drawing
anyone can help me? please??
question from: