Suppose you have a Schema that is used in a UI-App (e.g. Vue), a Node.js or Springboot Server and has to validate against Databases (e.g. SQL, mongoDB,...), and maybe some Micro-services running on whatever.
How and where do I manage a this JSON-Schema, so that if I have to change the schema for whatever Reason, that every architectural component can handle the new JSON-Schema(s). Otherwise I need to update the Schema in up to 10 projects so none is incompatible.
Is it really as simple as having a git project full with just JSON-Schemas or do I need specific loaders for each language/environment? Are there best practices that I am unaware of?
PS: I don't really think I need the automatically synchronized on runtime, so don't really think I need another Microservice to achieve that. That being said, if a Microservice is the best way to go, then getting a Microservice it is.
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