Afternoon, I'm getting a strange valgrind error reporting. Please see attached images. I have a function which frees the heap or I though I did. Need help with tracking down this bug. Fixes are welcome but also an explanation as well.
My analysis of the valgrind tracks it down to line 67, when I created the node, so I know it is likely I forgotten to free it with my free function.
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "limits.h"
struct adj_list_node
int vertex;
int weight;
struct adj_list_node *next;
struct adj_list
struct adj_list_node *head;
struct graph
int vertices;
struct adj_list *array;
struct adj_list_node* create_node(int vertex, int weight);
struct graph *create_graph(int vertices);
void add_edge(struct graph *graph, int src_vertex, int dst_vertex, int weight);
void free_nodes(struct adj_list_node *node);
void free_graph(struct graph *graph);
struct min_heap_node
int vertex;
int distance;
struct min_heap
int size;
int capacity;
int *position;
struct min_heap_node **array;
struct min_heap_node *create_heap_node(int vertex, int distance);
struct min_heap *create_heap(int capacity);
void swap_node(struct min_heap_node** a, struct min_heap_node** b);
int is_empty(struct min_heap* heap);
void min_heapify(struct min_heap *heap, int parent);
struct min_heap_node *extract_min_node(struct min_heap* heap);
int is_in_min_heap(struct min_heap *heap, int index);
void decrease_key(struct min_heap *heap, int index, int distance);
void dijkstra(struct graph* graph, int src_vertex);
void delete_heap(struct min_heap *heap);
void print_path(int parent[], int vertex);
void print_array(int dist[], int n,int parent[]);
#include "dikjkstra.h"
struct adj_list_node* create_adj_node(int vertex, int weight)
struct adj_list_node *new_node = malloc(sizeof(struct adj_list_node));
new_node->vertex = vertex;
new_node->weight = weight;
new_node->next = NULL;
return new_node;
struct graph *create_graph(int vertices)
struct graph *new_graph = malloc(sizeof(struct graph));
new_graph->vertices = vertices;
new_graph->array = malloc(sizeof(struct adj_list) * vertices);
for (int i = 0;i < vertices; ++i) {
new_graph->array[i].head = NULL;
return new_graph;
void add_edge(struct graph *graph, int src_vertex, int dst_vertex, int weight)
struct adj_list_node *new_node = create_adj_node(dst_vertex, weight);
new_node->next = graph->array[src_vertex].head;
graph->array[src_vertex].head = new_node;
new_node = create_adj_node(src_vertex, weight);
new_node->next = graph->array[dst_vertex].head;
graph->array[dst_vertex].head = new_node;
void free_nodes(struct adj_list_node *node)
if (node == NULL) {
struct adj_list_node *temp_node = node;
while (temp_node) {
struct adj_list_node *removed_node = temp_node;
temp_node = removed_node->next;
removed_node->next = NULL;
void free_graph(struct graph *graph)
if(graph->array == NULL) {
for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertices; ++i) {
struct min_heap_node *create_heap_node(int vertex, int distance)
struct min_heap_node *new_node = malloc(sizeof(struct min_heap_node));
new_node->vertex = vertex;
new_node->distance = distance;
return new_node;
struct min_heap *create_heap(int capacity)
struct min_heap *new_heap = malloc(sizeof(struct min_heap));
new_heap->size = 0;
new_heap->capacity = capacity;
new_heap->position = malloc(capacity * sizeof(int));
new_heap->array = malloc(sizeof(struct min_heap_node *) * capacity);
return new_heap;
void swap_node(struct min_heap_node** a, struct min_heap_node** b)
struct min_heap_node *temp_node;
temp_node = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = temp_node;
int is_empty(struct min_heap* heap)
return heap->size == 0;
void min_heapify(struct min_heap *heap, int parent)
int left_child = 2 * parent + 1;
int right_child = 2 * parent + 2;
int smallest = parent;
if (left_child < heap->size && heap->array[left_child]->distance < heap->array[smallest]->distance) {
smallest = left_child;
if ( right_child < heap->size && heap->array[right_child]->distance < heap->array[smallest]->distance) {
smallest = right_child;
if (smallest != parent) {
struct min_heap_node *smallest_node = heap->array[smallest];
struct min_heap_node *temp_node = heap->array[parent];
heap->position[smallest_node->vertex] = parent;
heap->position[temp_node->vertex] = smallest;
swap_node(&heap->array[smallest], &heap->array[parent]);
min_heapify(heap, smallest);
struct min_heap_node *extract_min_node(struct min_heap *heap)
if (is_empty(heap)) {
return NULL;
struct min_heap_node *root_node = heap->array[0];
struct min_heap_node *last_node = heap->array[heap->size - 1];
heap->array[0] = last_node;
heap->position[root_node->vertex] = heap->size - 1;
heap->position[last_node->vertex] = 0;
min_heapify(heap, 0);
return root_node;
int is_in_min_heap(struct min_heap *heap, int index)
if (heap->position[index] < heap->size) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
void delete_heap(struct min_heap *heap)
void decrease_key(struct min_heap *heap, int index, int distance)
int key = heap->position[index];
heap->array[key]->distance = distance;
while(key && heap->array[key]->distance < heap->array[(key - 1) / 2]->distance) {
heap->position[heap->array[key]->vertex] = (key - 1) / 2;
heap->position[heap->array[(key - 1) / 2]->vertex] = key;
swap_node(&heap->array[key], &heap->array[(key - 1) / 2]);
key = (key - 1) / 2;
void dijkstra(struct graph* graph, int src_vertex)
int vertices = graph->vertices;
struct min_heap *heap = create_heap(vertices);
int distance[vertices];
heap->size = vertices;
int parent[vertices];
parent[src_vertex] = src_vertex;
for(int i = 0; i < vertices; ++i) {
distance[i] = INT_MAX;
heap->array[i] = create_heap_node(i, INT_MAX);
heap->position[i] = i;
distance[src_vertex] = 0;
decrease_key(heap, src_vertex, distance[src_vertex]);
while(!is_empty(heap)) {
struct min_heap_node *min_node = extract_min_node(heap);
int u = min_node->vertex;
for (struct adj_list_node *cursor = graph->array[u].head; cursor; cursor = cursor->next) {
int v = cursor->vertex;
if(is_in_min_heap(heap,v) && distance[u]!=INT_MAX && distance[u] + cursor->weight < distance[v]) {
distance[v] = cursor->weight + distance[u];
parent[v] = u;
decrease_key(heap, v, distance[v]);
print_array(distance, vertices, parent);
void print_path(int parent[], int vertex)
if (parent[vertex]==vertex) {
print_path(parent, parent[vertex]);
printf("%d->", parent[vertex]);
void print_array(int cost[], int vertices,int parent[])
for(int i = 0; i < vertices ; ++i) {
printf("%d%d", i, cost[i]);
print_path(parent, i);
", i);
* 6
* 0-------------1
* | /|
* | / |
* | / | 5
* | / |
* | / |
* | / |
* 1| 2/ 2| 2
* | / | /
* | / | /
* | / | /5
* | / | /
* | / | /
* |/ |/
* 3-------------4
* 1
int main()
int total_vertex = 5;
struct graph* graph = create_graph(total_vertex);
add_edge(graph, 0, 1, 6);
add_edge(graph, 0, 3, 1);
add_edge(graph, 1, 0, 6);
add_edge(graph, 1, 3, 2);
add_edge(graph, 1, 4, 2);
add_edge(graph, 1, 2, 5);
add_edge(graph, 2, 1, 5);
add_edge(graph, 2, 4, 5);
add_edge(graph, 3, 0, 1);
add_edge(graph, 3, 1, 2);
add_edge(graph, 3, 4, 1);
add_edge(graph, 4, 3, 1);
add_edge(graph, 4, 1, 2);
add_edge(graph, 4, 2, 5);
return 0;
* Output
* vertex cost path
* 0 0 0
* 1 3 0->3->1
* 2 7 0->3->4->2
* 3 1 0->3
* 4 2 0->3->4
question from: