I am following schema definitions for storing XML data in PostgreSQL for LAS data. I need to store string values in an array. From rules is written:
In the case of string-like data, use uint8_t (common byte) as the interpretation and transform accordingly.
I am trying to write this transformation (convert varchar values into uint8_t) in PostgreSQL. I have close 0 experience with bytes translations and after googling it seems like unit8_t is a C++ type.
What I tried:
SELECT 'sp520145'::bit(8);
ERROR: function get_bit(text, integer) does not exist
Is it possible to do it all from PostgreSQL?
Convert string to byte is necessary to store text in PcPoint which is defined by XML schema. To create new PcPoint from Postgres I need to pass ARRAY of numeric data type.
SELECT PC_MakePoint(3,
ARRAY [*my converted uint8_t*, 70.21, 0.21, 5, 12.1, st_x(geom),
st_y(geom), st_z(geom), 255, 0, 0]);
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65938141/convert-varchar-to-uint8-t-in-postgresql