In my dash app im generating 2 pie charts in 2 spereate div elements to style them and position them next to each other. The problem now is that im not having the hoverinfo while hovering over the pie chart. also im not getting the menu (shown in the image) to download the chart as a png, etc.
The code in my layout looks like this
app.layout = html.Div([
html.H1(id="Titel", style={'textAlign':'center'}),
html.Div([dcc.Graph(id="graph-assetklassen", figure=fig)], style={"float":"left", "width":"50%", "height":"auto"}),
html.Div([dcc.Graph(id="graph-ratingklassen", figure=fig2)], style={"float":"right", "width":"50%", "height":"auto"}),
Any Idea how to handle this? Thank you
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