I have a countdown running continuously from 10 to 1 second and I need to execute a code in a precious moment.
Example: if the countdown is 2 seconds, I need to execute a code in the last 100 milliseconds of the 2 seconds, but when the countdown is again 2 seconds it needs to be executed again and again.
Here is the code I tried:
// for testing this code with countdown on console go to
function miseEnAttente() {
// here I should wait 900 millisecond before i execute the code
setTimeout(fonctionAExecuter, 900); //On attend avant d'exécuter la fonction
function fonctionAExecuter() {
console.log('code executed now ');
var boucle;
boucle = setInterval(function() {
//boucle should work all the time and check the countdown if its 2 second or not
var compteur1 = parseInt(document.getElementById('bip').innerHTML, 10);
if (compteur1 === 2) {
// clearInterval(boucle);
// i tried the clearinterval but it work only once , when the countdown is 2 seconde again i will not execute
/** i tried to sleep the code here but its same result as settimeout
function setSleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
async function Display() {
console.log('Wait for 900 ms!');
await setSleep(900);
console.log('After 900 ms!');
}, 10)
To be more clear:
The countdown is always running from 10 to 1 second and then it go back to 10. I need to execute a code if the countdown is 2 second for ever not only once.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65935695/execute-a-code-in-the-last-100-millisecond-of-a-countdown