i am working on react on-click event I have a list and I wanna set onClick event when a list item is clicked. and show <div>
of particular list
import React from "react";
import { Container, Grid,Accordion } from "semantic-ui-react";
class Powerups extends React.Component{
activeIndex: 1
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
componentWillMount() {}
componentWillUnmount() {}
componentDidMount() {}
componentWillReceiveProps(nProps) {}
handleClick(index) {
const { activeIndex } = this.state
const newIndex = activeIndex === index ? -1 : index
this.setState({ activeIndex: newIndex })
render() {
const { activeIndex } = this.state
<div className="powerups-root">
<div style={{background: '#fff'}}>
<Container className="power-header-image">
<div style={{textAlign: 'center',marginTop: 32}}>
<h1><span style={{color: '#FF6701',fontWeight :'bold'}}>STACKBY POWERUPS</span></h1>
<h2><span style={{fontWeight :'bold'}}>Use powerups to make your lives easier.</span></h2>
<Container style={{marginBottom: 75}}>
<Grid.Column mobile={16} tablet={4} computer={4}>
<div className="sidebar-bx">
<div className="sidebar-title">
<ul className="sidebar-items" id="tags">
<li id="All"><span style={{ textDecoration: 'underline' }}>All</span></li>
<li id="Import"><span>Import</span></li>
<li id="Sharing"><span>Sharing</span></li>
<li id="Data Recovery"><span>Data Recovery</span></li>
<li id="Data Transformation"><span>Data Transformation</span></li>
<li id="Automation"><span>Automation</span></li>
<li id="Apps"><span>Apps</span></li>
<Grid.Column container mobile={16} tablet={12} computer={12} container className="powerup" style={{marginLeft:'0px !important',height: 'fit-content', width: '100%'}}>
<Accordion className="stack-links">
<div className="card" id="Data Recovery">
<Accordion.Title className="flex items-center" active={activeIndex === 1} index={1} onClick={() => this.handleClick(1)}>
Stack Export
<a className="live-lable" style={{ color: 'white', background: '#4FAD35', border: '2px solid #4FAD35',marginLeft:'10px', paddingBottom: '1px' }}>
<Accordion.Content active={activeIndex === 1}>
<p>Export your complete stack back in an excel sheet .</p>
<div className="card" id="Data Transformation">
<Accordion.Title className="flex items-center" active={activeIndex === 2} index={2} onClick={() => this.handleClick(2)}>
Append CSV file in an existing table
<a className="live-lable" style={{ color: 'white', background: '#4FAD35', border: '2px solid #4FAD35',marginLeft:'10px', paddingBottom: '1px' }}>
<Accordion.Content active={activeIndex === 2}>
<p>Import a CSV file into an existing table and map the columns to take the form of your table.</p>
<div className="card" id="Import">
<Accordion.Title className="flex items-center" active={activeIndex === 3} index={3} onClick={() => this.handleClick(3)}>
Google Sheet Importer
<a className="live-lable" style={{ color: 'white', background: '#FF6701', border: '2px solid #FF6701',marginLeft:'10px', paddingBottom: '1px' }}>
Coming soon
<Accordion.Content active={activeIndex === 3}>
<p>Connect your Google Sheet Account and import your sheets data directly into your stacks.</p>
<div className="card" id="Import">
<Accordion.Title className="flex items-center" active={activeIndex === 4} index={4} onClick={() => this.handleClick(4)}>
Microsoft Excel Importer
<a className="live-lable" style={{ color: 'white', background: '#4FAD35', border: '2px solid #4FAD35',marginLeft:'10px', paddingBottom: '1px' }}>
<Accordion.Content active={activeIndex === 4}>
<p>Import an excel file to create a new stack or import it to a table.</p>
<div className="card" id="Sharing">
<Accordion.Title className="flex items-center" active={activeIndex === 5} index={5} onClick={() => this.handleClick(5)}>
View level sharing
<a className="live-lable" style={{ color: 'white', background: '#4FAD35', border: '2px solid #4FAD35',marginLeft:'10px', paddingBottom: '1px' }}>
<Accordion.Content active={activeIndex === 5}>
<p>Share individual views with anyone in your team - only share filtered rows, or even hide columns.</p>
<div className="card" id="Data Recovery">
<Accordion.Title className="flex items-center" active={activeIndex === 6} index={6} onClick={() => this.handleClick(6)}>
Recycle Bin
<a className="live-lable" style={{ color: 'white', background: '#4FAD35', border: '2px solid #4FAD35',marginLeft:'10px', paddingBottom: '1px' }}>
<Accordion.Content active={activeIndex === 6}>
<p>Recover deleted items (Tables, Views, Rows and Columns) from last 7 days.</p>
<div className="card" id="Data Transformation">
<Accordion.Title className="flex items-center" active={activeIndex === 7} index={7} onClick={() => this.handleClick(7)}>
<a className="live-lable" style={{ color: 'white', background: '#FF6701', border: '2px solid #FF6701',marginLeft:'10px', paddingBottom: '1px' }}>
Coming soon
<Accordion.Content active={activeIndex === 7}>
<p>Import data and manage duplicate rows in the same table.</p>
<div className="card" id="Automation">
<Accordion.Title className="flex items-center" active={activeIndex === 8} index={8} onClick={() => this.handleClick(8)}>
Automate your API column type
<a className="live-lable" style={{ color: 'white', background: '#4FAD35', border: '2px solid #4FAD35',marginLeft:'10px',