Hello I wrote this code to extract a list of PDF names.it** then compares to the input of where the PDF data is stored.The current code merges everything in that folder that is in the pdf data i commented out the part where it checks if the filename "starts with" because it's only then merges one of the documents and not all that are specified.
import json
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileMerger
import os
input = 'pdfdata'
list = os.listdir(input)
with open('pdf.json','r') as jsonfile:
jason_info =json.load(jsonfile)
json_data = [jason_info]
for item in json_data:
for data_item in item['info']:
jobjects = (data_item.values())#return only values
informa = ''.join(ll)#string
filemerger = PdfFileMerger()
for file in dlist:
# if file.startswith(informa):
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65934493/combiningpdfs-on-filename