How can you write the following setup in an ssh config.
### The Bastion Host
Host bastion-host-nickname
HostName bastion-hostname
### The Remote Host
Host remote-host-nickname
HostName remote-hostname
ProxyJump bastion-host-nickname
### The Remote Host VM
Host remote-host-vm-nickname
Hostname remote-vm-hostname
I have a bastian sever through which my remote-host can be reached via ssh. This connection is working as expected. On my remote-host there are a few virtual machines (the remote host vm) that can also be reached via ssh.
AllowTCPForwarding is disabled in the sshd_config of the remote-host. Therefore neither an SSH tunnel nor a ProxyCommand can be used. With both you get the error message "... administratively prohibited". The sshd_config should stay that way.
My preferred approach is that I connect to the remote-host and execute the following command:
"ssh -t -i keyfile user@remote-vm-hostname " whoami ""
How can I describe this ssh command in my ssh_config? Especially so that this ssh command can only be executed on my remote host.
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