You can create a loader component containing a dynamic component instead of doing conditional routing. In the loader, you'll conditionally lazy load the option component based on the route param. Not only is this easier when routing, you also don't have to manually import anything, and only options that are used will be imported.
Step 1. Route to the option loader component
path: ':option',
component: () => import('../components/OptionLoader.vue'),
Step 2. In that option loader template, use a dynamic component which will be determined by a computed called optionComponent
<component :is="optionComponent" />
Step 3. Create a computed that lazy loads the current option
export default {
computed: {
optionComponent() {
return () => import(`@/components/Option${this.$route.params.option}.vue`);
This will load the component called "Option5.vue", for example, when the option
route param is 5
. Now you have a lazy loaded option loader and didn't have to manually import each option.
Edit: OP has now indicated that he's using Vue 3.
Vue 3
For Vue 3, change the computed to use defineAsyncComponent
import { defineAsyncComponent } from "vue";
computed: {
optionComponent() {
return defineAsyncComponent(() =>