I am facing an issue with the current project I have:
The basic idea is that I am using a dash app to display a graph on a webpage I made (using dash). To launch the page, I have to run my index.py, which is running great when I am connected to the WIFI.
On the other other hand, I have a python code that pings specific IPs and returns whether the device at the specified IP is online or offline. This requires me to connect a sim dongle which is the only way I can communicate with those IPs. The machines are programmed to communicate with the IP of my dongle.
The issue I have is that the data from the pinging program is the input to my dashboard online. I downloaded an application called Speedify, which allows me to connect to multiple internet connections at once, so far so good. Both internet connections appear.
What I need to do:
I would like to write my ping.py program and specify in it that I want the pinging to go through the dongle gateway and not the WIFI. By default the WIFI takes over as the dongle is a P2P device and thus Speedify thinks it is not active.
Is there a way to add some lines to my code to make sure the pining command is being sent through the gate way I specify?
here is the code to ping:
from pythonping import ping
# get info from file and ping dcus
def pingDCUs(timeout):
df = readCSV() # get pandas DF
df.index = df.index + 1 # fix index
status = []
for i in range(len(df)):
ip = df.iloc[i]['ip'] # get ip
print('pinging:', ip)
res_list = ping(
size = 10,
count = 4,
verbose = True,
timeout = to,
status.append('offline' if to == res_list.rtt_avg else 'online') # append depending on result
return status
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65952960/python-specify-which-internet-to-use-in-a-code