This is my cpp code.. using lp function (with lpSolve package)
I'd like to assign the 'solution' attribute of lp results.
which is the part of "lp(~~~)$solution[2]" in bellow code.
Is there any way to pass that results in cpp??
Thank u in advance.
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector po_adj(NumericVector prpsd_po, NumericVector pred_ord, NumericVector dmlt_po, NumericVector pred_stock, NumericVector last_avgord, NumericVector pred_ords, NumericVector len, NumericVector ld_time, NumericVector obj_1, NumericVector obj_2, NumericVector obj_3) {
Environment base("package:lpSolve");
Function lp = base["lp"];
Environment base2("package:base");
Function comb = base2["c"];
Function matrix = base2["matrix"];
int n = min(len)+1;
NumericVector adj_PO(n);
for(int i=0; i < n; i++) {
int k = ld_time[i];
int a;
int b;
int c;
int rhs;
prpsd_po[i+1] = lp(_["direction"] = "min"
,_[""] = comb(a-c,b)
,_["const.mat"] = matrix(comb(0,1)
,_["const.dir"] = ">="
,_["const.rhs"] = comb(0,rhs))$solution[2]; <--- this makes error maybe..
return adj_PO;
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