I have been practicing converting sentences into FOL. There're two sentences that I want to confirm about if I'm making correct sense or not.
1. No one is sharing a seat.
On the internet, this sentence is converted like this:
A x1,x2,y Person(x1) ^ Person(x2) ^ Seat(y) ^ InSeat(x1,y)^InSeat(x2,y)==> (x1=x2)
But I converted this sentence like this:
Ax Person(x) ^ AySeat(y)==> ~Sharing(x,y)
By this, I mean, Everyone is not sharing any seat.
2.No class has both fresh students and seniors taking it.
This problem is not available over the internet but, I tried to extract the sense like:
Either fresh student or senior (but not both) taking any class.
and then converted this sentence into this FOL:
I'm not sure but is it correct? Am I extracting sense and converting it into FOL correctly?
By the way, I have learned to use either or but not both in FOL from here:
They showed different ways to do that so I picked one of them.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65950779/converting-complex-sentences-into-fol