I have a file with pgp
encryption. I want to decrypt the file using SSIS. Whenever I run the package it prompts me to enter passphrase. How can I bypass this?
I'm using execute process task to run the decrypt command from command prompt.
C echo XXXXXXXXX|gpg --keyring "\LSRSQL08ShareDataServices_Keypublic.pgp" --secret-keyring "\LSRSQL08ShareDataServices_Keyprivate.pgp" --batch --yes --passphrase-fd 0 -o \LSRSQL08ShareWorkingFoldersACXMDataLoadRazor_FEB21_Install.txt -d \LSRSQL08ShareWorkingFoldersACXMRazor_FEB21_Install.txt.pgp
I have extracted public and private key like below:
gpg --output public.pgp --armor --export DataServices@company.com
gpg --output private.pgp --armor --export-secret-key DataServices@company.com
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65950131/ssis-pgp-decryption-how-to-enter-passphrase-without-the-popup-window