I'm trying to meta-analyze outputs from GLMs derived from 2 separate GLMs in R using the metafor package.
full_model1<-glm(formula=data$outcome ~ data$pred1 + data$cov1 + data$cov2 + data$cov3 + data$cov4, family = binomial(logit), data = data)
full_model2<-glm(formula=data2$outcome ~ data2$pred1 + data2$cov1 + data2$cov2 + data2$cov3 + data2$cov4, family = binomial(logit), data = data2)
Is there a way to directly combine these two models into the rma.uni function in metafor? Thanks for the help
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65924269/r-put-output-from-2-separate-linear-models-into-metafor