I want to create an npm module that I can consume in a sapper app. The module exports a svelte component, and in that component there is a dependcy on @sapper/app
import { onMount } from 'svelte';
import { stores } from '@sapper/app';
const { page } = stores();
The module is written in typescript and I have added svelte and sapper as devDependencies. I am using rollup / typescript to build the module and create the type declarations.
However, since this module is to be consumed by sapper, which will also run typescript and rollup, I am confused as to whether or not I need to do this and therefore if sapper should just be importing the source files anyway?
So atm when I try to consume the (compiled) module I get:
Error: Cannot find module '@sapper/app'
Understandable, but I'm still unsure how to correctly structure this project for use - package.json and any necessary build steps, along with any specific steps to consume the module in sapper.
Help would be much appreciated.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65922418/how-to-build-a-module-for-consumption-by-sapper