I have a branch with many changes. I've merged trunk to it, and now have working copy state equivalent to hypothetical state of trunk-with-my-branch-merged-to-it.
To avoid pain with namely merging branch to trunk, I want to just say: "Hey, SVN, lets consider my working copy is working copy of trunk from now (not of my branch)."
I expect that working copy will be kept untouched & SVN shows me total diff of it to trunk, suggesting me to commit all those changes.
(It's like flattened all branch history to a single commit) - this flattenning is not the purpose (and, moreover, is unwanted) but it's reasonable price for avoiding of merging pain.
How can I do it?
I've red some similar posts here (even titled very similar), but didn't find an answer.
There are 2 tools, but it looks like none is appropriate to my need:
svn switch
- but it changed my working copy, 'cos "The switch command is actually a superset of the update command."svn relocate
- but the documetation says: "It does not apply if: ... You want to switch to a different branch or directory within the same repository."