The user's program in main memory consists of machine instructions and data. In contrast, the control memory holds a fixed microprogram that cannot be altered by the occasional user. The microprogram consists of microinstructions that specify various internal control signals for execution of register microoperations. Each machine instruction initiates a series of micro instructions in control memory. These microsinstructions generates microoperations to fetch the instruction for main memory; to evaluate the effective address, to execute the operation specified by the instruction, and to return control the fetch phase in order to repeat the cycle for the next instruction
I don't exactly understand here the difference between machine instruction, microinstruction and micropeerations. i certainly do understand that microinstructions according to the paragraph given are the intermediate level of instructions but which of the other 2 is the one that is more close to the machine language. Are CLA, ADD, STA, BUN, BSA, AND etc machine instructions or microoperations?
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