How can we validate HTML content using Groovy, JAVA libs? Popular Jsoup isn't throwing any errors here:
import org.jsoup.Jsoup
import org.jsoup.parser.Parser
String htmlContent = "<b id='idd'>asdf</b><a>lol" // we didn't close <a> tag
def parser = Parser.htmlParser()
.setTrackErrors(5); // Set the number of errors it can track. 0 by default so it's important to set that
def dom = Jsoup.parse(htmlContent, "" /* this is the default */, parser)
println dom.text()
println parser.getErrors()
Root problem: We'd like to modify HTML Strings which persist in DB and we are looking for some kind of validator checking if we haven't messed up anything.
Regexp doesn't seem as a reasonable option, cause we have quite big and nested HTML code.
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