I am using Terraform to deploy the infrastructure for my app. One of the modules is this: https://github.com/terraform-google-modules/terraform-google-lb-http to create a Load Balancer with a registered domain and everything.
My app works perfect in HTTP mode, but once I want to use SSL, TF creates the certificates on GCP and redirects all traffic to HTTPS.
The problem is that the app is not responding and getting 503 all the time with the error malformed HTTP request
I guess I have to run uwsgi inside the container in HTTPS mode but for that I need the certificate and private key files to be available locally inside the container.
According to GCP support, right now we cannot download these files.
Is there any solution or workaround that I can do?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65915265/use-google-managed-ssl-certificate-with-dockerized-uwsgi-app