I'm listing a program to customly clean up a phonebook .vcf file.
I can't figure out how to place in a single string variable everything between start with /^NOTE.+:/
and end before /X-ACCOUNT.*:/
. Please consider there were presence of
I'd like preserve for future contact formatting:
ORG:aaaa & CO. KG
NOTE;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Hall 30 F35=0A*ddddd@jggggine.com =0A014 =
EURO =0A*kkkk@ggggne.com =0A=
X-ACCOUNT:Local Phone Account;Phone
maybe using any foreach loop. but I can't concatenate only what I need and stop at the right point:
foreach $in (<IN>){
if($in =~ /^NOTE.*:|=$/){
unless($in =~ /^[A-Z]+:/){
$in =~ s/(.+=$)
$inn .= $1;
$a = $a;
Any recomandations ?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65910258/how-to-join-lines-in-between-2-conditions