I am trying to implement a ButtomNavigation in my app, using NativeScript. as I understood, the normal behaviour is that the ButtomNavigation stays all the time at the buttom, even if you navigate again to lower hierarchy pages.
i.e. you can get a sense of the expected behaviour here: howButtomNavigation behaves
but I dont want the expected behaviour. I want to hide the ButtomNavigation immediately after navigating within one of its pages to a lower hierarchy page (nested page), and I want it to be shown again once the user gets back to one of the main pages (destinations)
so I have looked at nativeScript play ground link for ButtomNavigation playground, to look for inspiration and I have found that they using Frames within each one of the 'tabs' and they use each tab specific frame to navigate further:
function onTap(args) {
const button = args.object;
const page = button.page;
since I want a different behaviour, I tried navigating with an higher level frame and to my surprise the ButtomNavigation disappeared - as I wished, and it is showed again only when the user is back to one of the main pages.
but to be honest I dont understand why any of this happening:
- why in order to achieve the normal behaviour (keep the ButtomNavigation at the buttom) one have to use the frame as it shown in the native script playground.
- why on using a different frame (higher level one) it behaves differently - i.e disappears on navigating.
hope someone can help (:
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65902024/nativescript-hide-buttomnavigation-after-navigating-to-different-page