I am trying create three functions inside a main function but am getting syntax error in input in the lines where I am defining these functions.
customFunc() =>
data(x, id) => security(id, mtf_val!="" ? mtf_val : timeframe.period, x)
getLow(x, y, z, a, id) =>
ll = y
v = data(x, id)
m = v==ll or data(z, id) - v > a*syminfo.mintick
if v!=ll
ll := v
if m
v := 0.0
getHigh(x, y, z, a, id) =>
lh = y
v = data(x, id)
m = v==lh or v - data(z, id) > a*syminfo.mintick
if v!=lh
lh := v
if m
v := 0.0
Getting syntax error in the 3rd, 4th and 13th line. Where am I going wrong?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65898345/pinescript-function-inside-a-function