I need to compare 2 files and remove the words from the text file those are found in the second (exclude list) file.
# cat remove.txt
# cat corpus.txt
this is a test message to check if bad words are removed correctly. The second line may or may not have unwanted words. The third line also need not be as clean as first and second line.
There can be paragraphs in the text corpus and the entire file should be checked for trash.
This python code is working as expected.
import re
stop_words = list()
with open("remove.txt", "r") as f:
for i in f.readlines():
", ""))
# !> filteredtext.txt
file1 = open("corpus.txt")
line = file1.read()
words = line.split()
for r in words:
r = re.sub(r"[^ws]", "", r)
if not r in stop_words:
appendFile = open("filteredtext.txt", "a")
appendFile.write(" " + r)
I will like to know if there is linux command line magic possible in this case. The regular expression mentioned in the python code is optional. The cleaned text need not be 100% clean. More than 90% accuracy is ok.
Expected output:
this is a message to check if words are removed correctly The second line may or may not have words The third line also need not be as clean as first and second line There can be paragraphs in the text corpus and the entire file should be checked for
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65895621/remove-words-found-in-the-second-file