For anyone else reading this; it seems the issue was caused by permissions and suexec was part of the issue. Having disabled suexec, all is well again (subject to consequential issues I may find later).
Two files I have in (say) dir1, in /cgi-bin/dashboard-login/ and they use CGI::Session to manage the session.
Both files set a new session like this:
my $session = new CGI::Session(undef, $cgi, {Directory=>"$sessions_dir_location"}) or die CGI::Session->errstr;
This means the second file is actually opening the session created by file1. All good so far.
File 3 is in the same sub-domain but in a different dir (/cgi-bin/dashboard/). It also runs that session string but I get the following error:
Software error:
new(): failed: load(): couldn't retrieve data: retrieve(): couldn't open '/var/www/vhosts/': Permission denied at index line 38.
For help, please send mail to the webmaster (root@localhost), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.
In Filezilla, I see that the file permission is set to "dfr (0640)" for the latest session file but, the previous one has the permissions "adfr (0640)" That adfr file can be opened in filezilla and didn't have any issues when I ran my scripts. Now the session files are being created as "dfr (0640)". IS there a way to set the server (or the CGI::Session), to apply "adfr (0640) permissions?
And, in your experience, is that the likely cause of the problem?
question from: